Thursday, December 31, 2015

Pan de banana. Delicioso, natural y saludable.

Receta para un pan delicioso, saludable y fácil de preparar.
1 1/2 banana
2/3 tazas de harina integral
2 huevos
1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
1/2 cucharadita de sal
1/2 taza de miel o al gusto para endulzar
 1/3 de aceite de oliva
1 cucharada de margarina
1/3 taza de agua
1 taza de semillas al gusto ( girasol, nueces, linaza, o lo que tenga)
1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
Coco rallado (opcional)

Calentar el horno a 350 grados, engrasar el molde, mezclar todos los ingredientes a excepción de las nueces y/o semillas y batir hasta lograr una masa homogénea. Cuando la mezcla esta homogénea entonces agregar las semillas y/o nueces.  Colocar en el horno y hornear 30 a 40 minutos o hasta que  la punta del tenedor o cuchillo que insertes en ella salga limpia.

How to make healthy banana bread

Delicious recipe with the most natural and healthy ingredients.

  1/2 cup honey or desired amount
1/3 cup of olive oil
1 tablespoon  margarine  softened.   
1 1/2 bananas     
1/3cup water.  
2/3 cups flours     
1 teaspoon baking soda.  
1/2 teaspoon salt.  
1 teaspoon vainilla essence 
1/2 cup chopped nuts, kernels, flax seeds or desired dry fruit   
Coconut flakes (optional)

 Heat oven to 350 degree     Grease bottom only of loaf pan    Mix honey, and margarine in a 2. 1/2 quart bowl. Stir in eggs until blended    Add bananas and water     Stir in remaking ingredients except nuts just until  moistened   Stirs in nuts   Pour into pan   Bake until wooden pick inserted  in center comes out clean  makes 1 loaf   Bake 30 to 40 minutes 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pizza and Vegetarian Pizza Recipe

This recipe was created by The Autor of this Blog.

Following the instructions you can have the best pizza ever. If you are not vegetarian just add your favorite meat. If you are vegan find a vegan Mozarella cheese, if not just whole mozarella milk. The quality of the  cheese is the key to a better tasting pizza.


For the dough

- 2 cups of whole wheat flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp oregano
- 1 tbsp of grinded flax seed
- 1/4 cup oil or butter (butter gives it a harder consistency)
- 2/3 cup water

For the yeast

- 1 tsp sugar 
- 1 tsp Active dry yeast
- 2 tbsp warm water

- 12 Oz of tomato or marinara sauce
- 1 Tbsp olive oil 
- 1 small onion
- 1 green onion
- 1/2 red pepper
- 1/4 green pepper
- 3 mushrooms
- 1/3 cup black olives
- 2 fresh tomatoes or sun dried tomatoes (your choice)
- 1/2 pound of mozzarella or cheese of your choice

-1 tsp of basil
-1 tsp of oregano
-1 tsp of thyme 
-1 tsp of garlic powder 
-1 tsp of yeast flake
- A pinch of sage
- A pinch of bay
- A pinch of salt

To prepare the yeast mix first the warm water with the sugar then add the yeast. Set aside and let it rise for 10 to 15 minutes.

Mix all the ingredients for the Dough. Dry  ingredients first, then add the oil or butter, the water and the yeast. Set aside and let it rise up until doble size.

Once Dough is ready knead it again, roll it as thin as you desire and place it on a greased pizza pan and bake at 350F for 10 minuts.

Mean while you can cut the veggies and mix with the olive oil.

Take baked dough out of the oven, add sauce first then the cheese and then the veggies on top previously cutted.

Preheat the oven at 450 F or 230 C. Bake for 20 minuts.

Take out of the oven and sprinkle the spices.


Video recipe

Aprender a tejer técnica croche / crochet

Este sencillo vídeo te mostrará cómo empezar a tejer de manera simple.
A medida que practiques este hermoso arte iras mejorando tus habilidades hasta convertirte en toda una profesional.

simple croche / crochet
